Pearsall’s Parallax Free Party Promo Mix
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Mixed in Berlin, June 2023
100% Vinyl
(33:46,77.4 MB, 320 KBPS MP3)
Cue file
Direct link:
- DJ SS – Black (VIP Dubplate Mix) [Formation]
- Gang Related & Mask – Ready or Not feat. Bigger Star [Dope Dragon]
- DJ Stretch – Do or Die [Reinforced]
- Harmony & Xtreme – Boo [Section 5]
- DJ Taktix – The VIP (Final Chapter) [Back 2 Basics]
- DJ Krust – Set Speed (Remix) [V Recordings]
- Dope Skillz – 6 Million Ways (Remix) [Frontline]
- L Double – All Lighter Massive [10 Inch Press]
- Dillinja – Selassie I Sound [V Recordings]
- Intense – Para Time Continuum (VIP Dubplate Mix) [Sublogic]
This is a short mix that I made this week as a promotion for a very special event: the Parallax / Peoples Station Fete de la Musique free party in Goerlitzer Park in Kreuzberg. This event was organized by Vali NME Click and DJ Chromz and they very kindly invited me to come along and play. Given the circumstances of playing outdoors in an urban park, they chose to go the digital route (obviously) so I had to spend a bunch of time ripping from vinyl in order to have things to play. I also made this little mini-mix as a promotion: totally improvised, just having fun. It worked out nicely IMO.
The party itself was amazing. It started slowly, kicking off at 2:30 pm and we had persistent issues with noise complaints, but it really came alive in the evening when we re-organized the sound system to be pointing down the length of the park and not towards the width, where apartment buildings are. We ran until close to midnight (I dipped at 11:15 due to exhaustion), and I think it was one of the single best experiences I’ve had in 26 years of being a dj.
I never play digital, so it was a bit of a white knuckle ride for me at times, especially since I ripped to Soundforge and the waveform wasn’t displayed in the display, so I had no visual clues as to how the tune would develop, i.e. where breakdowns were or drops were going to occur. Tricky!
Even so, the atmosphere was incredible, and it was a very special, if not surreal, experience to play jungle in the middle of a park in the heart of Kreuzberg.
Just amazing!
If you’re not familiar with Parallax, I interviewed Vali a few years back:
What’s the story behind Parallax Recordings?
In Berlin I started putting on the ‘Parallax’ events in a small, illegal location around 2013, doing parties about once a year. I invited the people around Germany that had the same passion for Oldskool and a record collection. These events got a lot of love although I put little effort/ possibilities in promoting them. And they’ve been tons of fun!
Being an avid record collector I remember always hassling Dave Elusive from 92 Retro and Will Irvine from Sublogic/KVA to see if they could repress this or that and link them to the producers. One day Will said: ‘You know what? You just did the hardest part – finding the producers. Let’s do this together as a joint release’ and asked what I would call my label. I didn’t think too much and just took the name from my parties, thinking this would be a one-off experience. But so, Parallax Recordings was born. Soon after I found the guys from Technosaurus and decided to put their ‘Best Of Invention’ out on my own, just to see if I could do it all alone (though Will helped me heaps and forwarded me all his contacts, so thanks again, Will!).
My girlfriend was pregnant with my now 3-year old daughter and I somehow thought I had to do this “before it’s all over” and I’m a dad. Well, I did and caught the bug, and fast forward, here I am releasing the 5-piece album ‘Message From The Parazone’.
Here are some video clips to give you a sense of how things were: